Underlying everything you do is a belief about it. If you believe your thirst is served by drinking water, then you drink water. Every action we have comes from a belief, and the truth is that some of those beliefs limit us. Did you know that your ability to create and maintain wealth could have been restricted by these limiting financial beliefs? You might be under the spell of a harmful belief like this which could be restricting your ability to build wealth and get free from debt.
Don’t know if you have one? See if you agree with these limiting beliefs:
1. Rich people are bad. This one is so prevalent in our society, that it’s hard to recognise. Movies have business as the big bad guy. Occupy Wall Street movements decry wealthy businesses as the source of their woes. It’s in every facet of our life.
2. My earning capacity is capped. There’s something about you that keeps from reaching the next level. Maybe your upbringing, your past, your degrees (or lack of) is holding you back from earning more.
3. Making money is too risky. Maybe you believe earning money takes something from you, like time away from your family, or getting into shady deals.
4. I can’t handle money. This kind of definition keeps you from even trying to get more, because there’s no point.
Did you agree with these? Even if you’re trying to argue the point for these beliefs, you’re subtly agreeing with them. If you said this to yourself, “But you don’t understand my situation”, you’re a victim of a limiting belief.
You can change your beliefs and here’s how:
1. Beliefs are not reality. There’s a well-known psychological concept that says that your thoughts are not your world, they are just the map for how you perceive it. The reality is in how you think about the world around you.
2. You can choose your beliefs. If you agree that rich people are bad, try to change it up with a similar and positive belief. The alternative belief that you could adopt is “Rich folks have more opportunities to help others. I want to help others like that.”
3. Look at where your beliefs come from. What is the root of what you believe? Was it your parents telling you their own beliefs? Was that their reality they passed down to you? Try to understand how you began to think a certain way.
4. Rock the boat. Once you figure out why you have certain ideas, challenge the source of them. Maybe your parents never had money themselves so they couldn’t decide how you should think about money. Consciously try to see things differently, and you’ll soon notice that you can see a different side.
5. Listen to sources of good beliefs. Many wealthy people are excellent givers, generous with their time and resources. Find examples of individuals who had less opportunity than you and experienced greater successes. Expose yourself to greater beliefs and the people who hold them.
6. Know thyself. Most beliefs lie under the surface. Maybe until now, you never even knew a thought was holding you back. Keep yourself in check when you start to revert back to a limiting belief, reminding yourself that your belief is not reality, and there’s proof to back that up.
Are your beliefs limiting your wealth? Of course! Even wealthy people could be wealthier if they didn’t have limiting beliefs. Your own thoughts and ideas about money hold you back from seeing greater successes. Try to focus on those, and you’ll be rewarded with greater wealth and a healthier mind towards finances.
Okay, for those of you who are looking for a step-by-step guide, you can also check out Create A New Belief, Create A New Life.
Thanks for reading and have a great week ahead!.