Be Your Own CFO!

Why do people handle someone else’s money better than their own finances? People at work have a responsibility to someone else, so they make better decisions about it. What if you handled your finances with the same professionalism as a CFO who takes care of his/her business? Hold yourself accountable for your money and you’ll be wiser with your choices.

Act like a CFO and take control of your money.

Top Tips for Lasting Financial Habits

Why is it always easier to start a bad habit than to break one? Why are bad habits more fun to start? Why can’t all the cool kids from high school have been really into running instead of smoking behind the bike shed?

It’s not always easy to start a new habit.

If you’re purposefully trying to start a new habit, there are some considerations you should take. The old Chinese proverb says that the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is today.

Take a look at these strategies for learning new behaviors today…

Is Your Adult Child Costing You Money?

When you reach the age of your 50’s, 60’s or even 70’s, you could be in the best-earning capacity of your life. Your career is at a high, and your salary reflects the years you’ve put in. However, if you have adult children that you’re continuing to support, it’s like a funnel draining the best years of your life away from you.

The Best Financial Advice Of All Financial Advice

I truly understand that there are so so so so many blogs out there professing to be the one and only source for reliable and resourceful financial advice. The truth is, this is the only source right here. Just kidding. This article doesn’t profess to be the one and only source of the best advice there is out there, but I can offer this bit of advice.

PennyWise Workshop: A Thank You Note To My Graduates

It’s been a while since I last shared financial hacks. There’re good reasons for this. The last few months saw me and my team busy preparing for the PennyWise Workshop that took place last weekend. It was an intense 3-days for us as we prepare to deliver financial literacy concepts, techniques and strategies to our participants.